We Recommend Nite White Take-Home Teeth Whitening

December 18th, 2008

We are pleased to announce that Bloor West Village Dental Care recommends Nite White take-home teeth whitening kits (from $299-)

nite white teeth whitening in bloor west

From our Cosmetic Dentistry page (Teeth Whitening):

Do you have stained teeth or wish your smile was whiter and brighter?

Everyday use of coffee, tobacco, and staining foods can dull and darken teeth. The dentists at Bloor West Village Dental can help you get your teeth their whitest in the convenience of your own home with “Nite White,” a proven take-home teeth whitening kit.

One of our dentists will provide you with a comfortable custom fitted tray and teeth whitening gel. This gel is to be worn overnight while you sleep, and through a series of applications, usually lasting from 2 to 4 weeks, this proven whitening system will transform dull and discolored teeth into a gorgeous smile.

Contact us Today at 1 877 552-5667 to learn more.

Invisalign Invisible Braces Now Offered

December 10th, 2008

We would like to announce that Bloor West Village Dental Care now offers Invisalign.

Invisalign Clear Braces now at Bloor West Village Dental Care

From Our Cosmetic Procedures Page:

Invisalign is a relatively new dental procedure (founded in 1997), consisting of a series of clear, removable teeth aligners used by dentists and orthodontists as an alternative to traditional metal dental braces.

A series of clear aligners are custom-made for your teeth, and each aligner is worn for about two weeks at a time before being replaced by the next until the desired position of your teeth is achieved.

Invisalign technology is especially appealing for cosmetic reasons, as the aligners are completely transparent and much harder to detect than traditional braces. They are also removable, so you can eat and drink what you want during treatment.

The Invisalign treatment time varies from patient to patient based on specific needs, and will be determined by one of our dentists.

Invisalign Pricing starts at $4500-

Read about the Invisalign procedure on our website or visit the Invisalign website.

Contact us Today at 1 877 552-5667 to learn more.

Dr. Birgiolas on Mini Implants

December 2nd, 2008

We are pleased to announce that we now offer IMTEC Mini Implants at Bloor West Village Dental Care.

IMTEC Mini Implants now offered at Bloor West Village Dental Care

You may visit the IMTEC website for more info.

Mini Implants

I just returned from a mini implant course given by 3M Imtec and am really excited about this new development.  These implants have been in use for about 7 years and are showing great long term results.

Why am I excited?  I am now able to offer a one appointment implant overdenture solution to a complete denture patient at a reasonable cost.   This treatment is for the complete denture case, the individual with no lower teeth and a wobbly denture.  Sneeze and you can catch your denture an arms length away.  You know who you are and you are suffering.  Here is the solution.

Four mini implants are placed in the anterior region of the mandible.  Four studs are placed in your existing denture.  The denture snaps on to the implants and is a great fit, no wobble, no loose denture, confidence to eat whatever you desire.

Treatment time about an hour, cost about $3000, a third to a half of regular implant cost.  Need a new denture?  That must be made before the implants are considered at additional cost.  Success rate for implants is about 95%.  Long term results are good.  Maintenance requirements?  Just brush them well and have a twice yearly check-up.  They work well in other situations where additional retention is required with full or partial dentures.  Darn right I’m excited.  It may make your life a whole lot better.

Dr. John Birgiolas

Contact us Today at 1 877 552-5667 to learn more.

6 Tips to Control Chronic Bad Breath

June 30th, 2008

Chronic bad breath (also called halitosis) is unpleasant, embarrassing, and more common than you think.

It can be caused by a wide number of different factors including stress, alcohol consumption, diet choices, sinus or tonsil infections, poor oral care, poor digestion, or a sign of potentially more serious medical conditions such as diabetes, stomach ulcers, gastro-intestinal reflux, or kidney and liver malfunctions.

Ridding yourself of bad breath may be a several step process, but if you suffer from moderate halitosis, first try some of these 6 simple oral care tips over several weeks and see if they work for you.

1. Target the tongue, teeth and gums

There are three areas of concern in the mouth: the tongue, teeth, and gums:

After you eat, tiny particles of food remain on your tongue, and with time, develop bacteria and begin to decay, causing bad breath.  Along with regularly brushing your teeth, brushing or scraping your tongue in the morning and before bedtime can help to eliminate the problem.

Brushing your teeth daily and after major meals, in addition to daily flossing and rinsing will help keep your teeth healthy and gums free of bacteria buildup and plaque, significantly minimizing halitosis.

2. Change your diet

Most commonly, foods containing garlic, onions or strong spices will cause bad breath, often for hours after ingestion.

Sugary foods and liquids including juices and coffee will leave a residue on your teeth after you eat.  This sugar can eat away at your teeth causing cavities and lead to bad breath-causing bacteria.  Also, coffees and teas are often very acidic and result in stinky breath.

Try cutting back on all of these, brushing your teeth each time you enjoy these foods, or at the very least, swishing water or mouthwash in your mouth after each meal, and see what happens.

3. Chew gum!

Few people realize that their own saliva is important in the fight against bad breath!  Saliva helps clean the mouth and wash away food particles and bacteria leftover from a meal.  When saliva production slows down, often while one sleeps, drinks alcohol, smokes or is under a lot of stress, microorganisms and bacteria are able to linger longer in the mouth and proliferate, causing a strong, bad odor.

We recommend chewing a sugar-free gum in-between meals, as it will stimulate saliva production in your mouth and prevent odor-causing bacteria from replicating in your mouth.

4. Get a Water Pick

As effective as a toothbrush can be, sometimes it simply can’t get your entire mouth as clean as it could be.  Flossing, or using a water pick can reach in those tight places under your gums and between your teeth where particles of food collect and decay.

5. Find a better mouthwash

Just like a dab of makeup can temporarily conceal a blemish or imperfection, a mouthwash is only an immediate and temporary solution to bad breath, but what you should focus on instead is tackling the source of your problem.

If you must use mouthwash or don’t have a toothbrush handy, try to find a mouthwash that is alcohol-free, and that instead contains hydrogen peroxide.  Alcohol containing mouthwashes will only serve to exaggerate your halitosis in the long run.

6. Visit your dentist regularly

Go for teeth cleanings regularly and tell your dentist of any problems or discomfort.  Cavities and other fissures or pockets are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, and if left untreated, cavities will continue to decay your teeth causing intense pain and increased bad breath.